Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Search Engine Optimization | SEO Tutorial A to P part1

What is SEO? Why it is used?

Welcome my first article on SEO. A question may come in mind why A to Y. Actually The site on SEO is vast and SEO rules is changing every day. So, I named this SEO tutorial is A to P.

There are many SEO tutorials in the Internet but everyone is on Entry Level SEO tutorial. I will try to give the SEO idea from Entry level to Expert Level, though the basic ideas are same.

So it is necessary to know the basic of SEO techniques. If you share your knowledge with Someone SEO Techniques will be learned very quickly.

What is SEO? Why it is used?
There are two type of search result
·         Organic search
·         Paid search

Here I will discuss organic search result because its free and in paid search result you can give ads if you want.

At first we should know how Search Engine Works?

Search Engine works with just two parts
1.      Crawler
2.      Algorithm

It collects from different websites (by spider, robot/bot). Search Engine Collects webpages or URLs, Read them and then Store them in the Search Engines Database.


Here search Engine Analysis the collected information and gives page ranks on relevancy and quality basis. The Algorithm of Search Engine depends on many factors.

What is SEO?

SEO - Search Engine Optimization... SEO are some techniques by which one website can get traffic from different Search Engine (Google, msn, yahoo etc.). Actually By SEO if you can bring your website on the first page of Search Engine, Probability of getting traffic increases dramatically.

Or very easily- if we want to download songs or download Movies, we usually search for the title of that song or the movie. After press the search button, Google Search shows us some result of our search where we can get out song or Movie.
By the way Google search shows us ten search result or ten websites. Now a question can rise why some of web pages are in the first pages and rest of other on the back pages. Is Google is doing it intentionally or have some reasons?

Then certainly there is something on these 10 webpages which is not on the other webpages. And this thing is SEO by which you can take your webpages on the first page of Google Search results.
And first page mines more and more visitors and more and more money.

Whose are new in SEO they can follow Google Webmaster Guideline.  If you follow the basic rule of SEO, do not be tensed about SEO. We make a website for visitors and if we provide the information what the visitors want then 50-60% of The SEO will done.

Why a visitor Search?

May be they are searching for any answers or searching for any solution. If you can provide the answers of their question or solutions or information then there is nothing to thinking.

SEO is two parts:

1.      On page SEO
2.      Off page SEO

One page SEO: What you are talking about your website
Off page SEO: Others are taking about you.

Use of SEO: Search Engine Optimization

Guess you have a website on “Football” related which rank is now 10. Now you want that if anyone .search for “Football Game” your website will come on the 1 position. For this SEO needed. Normally in SEO popular search term or Keyword is used.

Now if you get the first position by SEO from 10 to 1 but it does not mean Proper SEO. Because Search Engine is Very Smart and Search Engine can separate our company name and keyword very easily. The main reason is that getting rank on that keyword is hand for which keyword, competition is high.

 So, taking some planning before SEO is good for SEO techniques.
Suppose you have opened a website like which there are 100000 website and your friend has opened a websites like which there are 1000 websites. Then say which website will get less competition among them???  

So, for site’s SEO planning right keyword choosing is more important. If keyword choice is not proper, you will not get your desired result. Because when someone searches for anything   then he uses the search terms. So, if you don’t  know what are people searching for then how will you fill their need ?

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